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Council Meeting

Agenda May 2, 2020 9:30 a.m. -  Grizzly Flats Community Church

 1) Call to order

2) Flag Salute

3) Roll Call

4) Meeting Room Cleanup Volunteers & Timekeeper Volunteer

5) Approval of the May 2, 2020 Agenda

6) Approval of the March 7, 2020 Minutes

7) Treasurer’s Report- Steve Hupner

8) Public Comment (Limited to 3 minutes - only for items not on the agenda)

9) Member Comment (Limited to 3 minutes - only for items not on the agenda)

10) Agency Reports

  • BOS Reports District 2 Supervisor. - Shiva Frentzen
  • Pioneer Fire Protection District –Chief Mark Matthews/Battalion Chief Mike Stutts
  • Department of Transportation (DOT) – Brian Mullens
  • Grizzly Flats Community Service District - Kim Gustafson
  • Sheriff – John D’Agostini
  • El Dorado County Fire Safe Council - Ernie Lory
  • California Highway Patrol – Public Information Officer - Andrew Brown
  • USFS - Captain Luke Birch/District Ranger Rick Hopson
  • Neighboring Fire Safe CouncilsAukum/FairplayOmo RanchPleasant Valley

11) Old Business    

  • Volunteer Waivers- Deb Gregory Discussion/Action Item
  • BBQ Fundraiser- David Manske/ Mark Almer – Discussion / Action Item
  • Emergency Evacuation Route Signage – Chief Matthews/Don   Spear/Steve Hupner – Discussion/ Action Item
  • Updates & Changes PPM & Bylaws – Mark Almer / Steve Hupner- Discussion Item
  • GFFSC Vacancies – Mark Almer- Discussion/Action Item
  • Status Update on Possible Formation of Somerset Fire Safe Council – Ad   Hoc Committee – Discussion/Action Item

12) New Business

  • Updates & Changes Since Last Meeting – Mark Almer – Discussion/Action Item
  • Expense request, electronic/telephone meeting expenses, Zoom company – Discussion/Action Item – Mark Almer
  • Expenditure Request, Grant writing funds – Steve Hupner, Mark Almer – Discussion/ Action Item

13) Committee Reports

  • Public Outreach Coordinator – Deb Gregory
  • Defensible Space - Steve Frasier/Robin Kelley
  • Grants –Randy Rossi/Kelly Krohn
  • Public Education – Deb Gregory/Kelly Krohn/Molly Irish
  • Standing Committee on Middle Fork - Randy Rossi / Robin Kelley
  • El Dorado County Vacant Parcel/Weed Abatement Ordinance - Ad Hoc

14) Public Announcements

15) For the Good of the Order

16) Adjourn